The Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) is the national trade association representing the interests of tire and other rubber manufacturers and importers of rubber goods into Canada, together with rubber recyclers and suppliers whose goods or services directly relate to these industries.
TRAC recently submitted a response to Ontario’s proposed Bill 151, the Waste-Free Ontario Act. Feedback from the public was invited by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change on both the Act and its Draft Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy.
If passed, the Bill is intended to significantly transform Ontario’s waste diversion system and would give the government new powers to modify Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) or “polluter pay” programs. The planned reform would include Ontario’s scrap tire recycling program, currently delivered on behalf of the province by Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS).
For information purposes only, CATRA is sharing TRAC’s submission on Bill 151: