RRFB Nova Scotia has commenced its 20th year of recycling under a fresh, new name – Divert NS!
Formerly the Resource Recovery Fund Board (RRFB Nova Scotia), Divert NS recently evaluated and refined the strategic goals of their organization. To emphasize the shift, they are also beginning their next 20 years of waste diversion under a new tagline – Nothing Wasted.
Divert NS operates two primary recycling programs: the Used Tire Management Program and the Beverage Container Deposit-Refund Program. These programs are the core of their business and support programming for environmental stewardship, education, research and development, and value-added manufacturing.
In 2015/16, the used tire program collected 1.17 million passenger tire equivalents, representing a 76% recovery rate. In the last 20 years, over 18.4 million used tires have been diverted from the province’s landfills.
For details of the Divert NS results for 2015-2016, check out their annual report and new video: