8th Scrap Tire Recycling Conference coming in December ...

Scrap Tire Markets in a Sustainable Circular Economy is the focus of the upcoming conference hosted by The Scrap Tire Research and Education Foundation, Inc. (STREF), the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) and the South Carolina Department of Commerce. It will be held December 4-5, 2019 in Greenville, South Carolina.
Recognized as a valuable opportunity for industry leaders, regulators and stakeholders to review key developments in scrap tire management, this year’s conference will explore emerging trends in circular economy and scrap tires, and the challenges and opportunities for existing and potential markets for scrap tires including rubber modified asphalt, micronized rubber powder, tire-derived fuel, civil engineering markets and emerging markets like pyrolysis and devulcanization.
For details including the preliminary agenda and conference registration, visit http://stref.org/events.
Want more information?
STREF is a non-profit research foundation established to support basic and applied research and appropriate educational activities on issues relating to the sound handling and utilization of waste or scrap tires. You can reach STREF at http://stref.org/contact.
The USTMA is the national trade association for tire manufacturers that make tires in the U.S. Visit the USTMA’s website at https://www.ustires.org/about-us.